Iowagreyhounds Blog is an open, fun, and additional forum to showcase the interesting and positive aspects of greyhounds in the State of Iowa. It's intention is not to replace the Iowa Greyhound Associations website, but rather to work in partnership with them promoting all things greyhounds in our state. 
Our interests vary from greyhound puppies, racers, retirees, farms, racetracks,  greyhound antiques and paraphernalia, greyhound history, and greyhound families. Our posts will reflect the range of these interests.
Our success is up to you!  We hope you will contribute by using the contact button and emailing photos and stories to be displayed on the Blog. If you have a racer you are proud of, a puppy or litter that are striking a pose, or a retired racer hamming it up that you would like to see on our blog, keep your camera handy and our email address in your address book!
Yours in the love of all things greyhound,
The Iowagreyhounds Blog